We are a group of enthusiastic Model Railway lovers, modelling mostly British Railways of many eras and in many scales. We welcome anyone of any age or background with an interest in railways who would like to play more, learn more or contribute more. Contact info is below, and our monthly Social Night is open to all comers.
We’re moving along with construction of our new Exhibition Layout. Track is down on the scenic boards & started on the fiddle-yard. Wiring is almost complete on the scenic boards. See more on the New Layout and Construction pages. We had a fabulous turnout for our Jan 7th (end of December) pubnight. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Up-coming Events:
January 26th , Social Night at 7:00pm at ‘Limericks Pub’, 7304 Macleod Trail, upstairs in the back room (Tullamore room).
February Social Night: will be on Tuesday February 2025, at ‘The Dorset Pub & Eatery’, 1637 37st. SW.
will be held
April 5 & 6, 2025
at the
Olympic Oval
University of Calgary 288 Collegiate Blvd NW, Calgary
9:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m.
The 3 images below are of the new layout under construction. For more information click here.


WE ARE a club of dedicated Railway Modellers interested in mainly British Railways. We are located in Calgary Alberta Canada. We’ve been together in one form or another since the mid 70’s, first as the Calgary Chapter of the BRMNA (British Railway Modelers of North America), then since 1993 as the CBRM, although still affiliated with the BRMNA. In 2021 we incorporated as a a No-Profit Society to formalize our operations. We are the ‘go to’ group in southern Alberta modelling British Prototypes in: N, OO,OO-9, and O scales. We currently have our large layout ‘Much Muddling” in storage. Our newer Branchline layout has been shown regularly at Supertrain in April, & at Heritage Park Railway Days in September. We are currently building a new exhibition layout. We host a regular “Social Night” on the last Tuesday evening of each month at a friendly pub, and is open to anyone interested in railways, modelling, or seeing what the fuss is all about.
The annual membership dues are $25, due on Dec. 31st. Membership is open to all those interested in participating with or supporting our club.
The application form is on the membership page
All images marked ‘LnL Junction’ are courtesy of and copyright by D. Luckman of LnL Junction
Contact us:
mailto:[email protected]