Page (and layout) under construction.
September 1st: Track ordered.. June 30th, we’ve started building our new exhibition layout. It will be a 24 feet wide and 12 feet long tailchaser layout, with a double main line, passing tracks in the station, a branch line with an industrial shunting area & a 6 track fiddleyard.
We’ve chosen Peco code100 track, and mostly medium radius insulfrog points (switches). The 2 mail lines (red) will be operable by both DC or DCC independently, the branch & industrial/canal area will be DCC only. Point(switch) control will be by using micro processor nodes under strategic parts of the layout driving small servo motors, keeping wiring and costs to a minimum.
July 31st update: all 16 boards have been built, & with a few hiccups all fit together well. We are currently working on budgets for power wiring, point control systems, and track. We hope to order track shortly for the track plan below